姓名:潘振远 Pan Zhenyuan 性别:男 Male
职称:副教授 Associate Professor 办公室:皇冠登陆入口welcome125A College of Agriculture 125A
E-mail:panzhenyuandawood@163.com 电话:0993-2058751
学历学位:博士 Doctor degree 硕/博士生导师:硕士生导师 Master Supervisor
研究方向:作物遗传育种 Plant Genetics and Breeding
工作简历:潘振远(A. Prof. Dr. Pan Zhenyuan):男,籍贯河南省,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。于2020年在皇冠作物遗传改良全国重点实验室获博士学位,毕业后赴皇冠登陆入口welcome任教。2021.05-2023.05曾任作物育种教研室主任,2023.05至今任农学系副主任。
研究成果:近五年,共发表论文20余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、Industrial Crops And Products、Journal of Integrative Agriculture、Plant Science等发表SCI 10篇,TOP期刊4篇,授权国家发明3项。
1.“石大国立杯”皇冠第四届种艺竞赛 金奖,2019,指导教师
1.国家自然科学基金-地区基金(32160475):玉米穗长主效QTL qEL1.10生物学功能分析,主持(2022-2025),在研。
4.皇冠高层次人才科研启动项目(RCZK202013):棉花脱叶剂敏感 QTL 的定位与克隆,主持(2021-2024),结题。
三、主要代表性论文:(*为通讯作者, #为共一作)
1. Wang Runze#, Li Zhaofeng#, Ma Chunmei, Hou Bin, Han Peng, Aini Nurimanguli, Ye Zizhen, Zhu Yue, Xiu Yanwei, Nishawy Elsayed, Yu Yu*, Nie Xinhui*, Pan Zhenyuan*. BSA-seq and transcriptome analysis reveal GhDSA05 as a candidate gene responsible for sensitivity to defoliants in Gossypium hirsutum L. Industrial Crops and Products, 2024, 222, 119748. (中科院一区,IF 5.6)
2. Pan Zhenyuan#, Zhou Xiaofeng#, Runze Wang#, Li Juan, Ding Shugen, Han Peng, Wang Xuwen, Zhao Zhansheng, Wu Yuanlong, Nie Xinhui*, Yu Yu*. Genome-wide association screening and verification of potential genes associated with defoliation rate induced by defoliant in upland cotton. Industrial Crops and Products, 2024, 217, 118712. (中科院一区,IF 5.6)
3. Jiang Ping#, Han Peng#, He Mengyao, Shui Guangling, Guo Chunping, Shah Shah, Wang Zixuan, Wu Haokai, Li Jian*, Pan Zhenyuan*. Appropriate mowing can promote the growth of Anabasis aphylla through the auxin metabolism pathway. BMC Plant Biol, 2024, 24(1):482. (中科院二区,IF 4.3)
4. Tian Xiaomin#, HanPeng#, Wang Jing, Shao Panxia, An Qiushuang, Nurimanguli Aini, Yang Qingyong, You Chun-yuan, Lin Hairong, Zhu Longfu*, Pan Zhenyuan*, Nie Xinhui*. Association mapping of lignin response to Verticillium Wilt through eight-way MAGIC population in upland cotton. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2023, 22(5): 1324-1337. (中科院一区,IF 4.6)
5. Han Peng, Zhai Yaping, Liu Wenhong, Lin Hairong, An Qiushuang, Zhang Qi, Ding Shugen, Zhang Ddawei, Pan Zhenyuan*, Nie Xinhui*. Dissection of Hyperspectral Reflectance to Estimate Photosynthetic Characteristics in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under Different Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Based on Machine Learning Algorithms. Plants (Basel). 2023, 12(3):455.(中科院二区,IF 3.5)
6. Chao Lei #, Pan Zhenyuan#, Wang Jing, Wu Yuanlong, Shui Guangling, Nurimanguli Aini, Tang Binghui, Guo Chunping, Han Peng, Shao Panxia, Tian Xiaomin, Chang Xinyi, An Qiushuang, Ma Chunmei, You Chunyuan*, Zhu Longfu* and Nie Xinhui*. Genetic Mapping and Analysis of a Compact Plant Architecture and Precocious Mutant in Upland Cotton. Plants. 2022, 11, 1483.(中科院二区,IF 3.5)
7. Han Peng, Tian Xiaomin, Wang Ying, Huang Cong, Ma Yizan, Zhou Xiaofeng, Yu Yu, Zhang Dawei, Xu Haijiang, Cao Yang, Zhu Bo, Feng Zhenxiu, He Shoupu, Xiongming Du, Lin Zhongxu, Zhu Longfu, You Chunyuan, Pan Zhenyuan*, Xinhui Nie*. Construction of a core germplasm bank of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) based on phenotype, genotype and favorable alleles. Genet Resour Crop Evol. 2022, 69: 2399-2411. (中科院三区,IF 1.6)
8. Gong Dianming, Tan Zengdong, Zhao Hailiang, Pan Zhenyuan, Sun Qin, Qiu Fazhan*. Fine mapping of a kernel length-related gene with potential value for maize breeding. Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 2021,134(4):1033-1045.(中科院一区,IF 4.4)
9. Pan Zhenyuan, Liu Min, Zhao Hailing, Tan Zengdong, Liang Kun, Sun Qin, Gong Dianming, He Haijun, Zhou Wenqi, Qiu Fazhan*. ZmSRL5 is involved in drought tolerance by maintaining cuticular wax structure in maize. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2020, 62(12):1895-1909. (中科院一区,IF 9.4)
10. Zhao Hailiang, Qin Yao, Xiao Ziyi, Li Qi, Yang Ning, Pan Zhenyuan, Gong Dianming, Sun Qin, Yang Fang, Zhang Zuxin, Wu Yongrui, Xu Cao, Qiu Fazhan*. Loss of function of an RNA polymerase III subunit leads to impaired maize kernel development. Plant Physiology. 2020;184(1):359-373. (中科院一区,IF 6.5)
11. Pan Zhenyuan, Liu Min, Xiao Ziyi, Ren Xuemei, Zhao Hailiang, Gong Diaming, Liang Kun, Tan Zengdong, Shao Yangqing, Qiu Fazhan*. Zmsmk9, a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, is involved in the cis-splicing of nad5, kernel development and plant architecture in maize. Plant Science. 2019, 288:110205. (中科院二区,IF 4.2)
12. Pan Zhenyuan#, Ren Xuemei#, Zhao Hailiang, Liu Lei, Tan Zengdong, Qiu Fazhan*. A mitochondrial transcription termination factor, zmsmk3, is required for nad1 intron4 and nad4 intron1 splicing and kernel development in maize. Genes Genomes Genetics. 2019, 9:2677-2686. (中科院三区,IF 2.1)
13. Ren Xuemei, Pan Zhenyuan, Zhao Hailaing, Zhao Junli, Cai Manjun, Li Jiang, Zhang Zuxin*, Qiu Fazhan*. (2017) EMPTY PERICARP11 serves as a factor for splicing of mitochondrial nad1 intron and is required for seed development in maize. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68:4571-4581. (中科院一区,IF 5.6)
14. 王晓娟#,潘振远#,刘敏,刘忠祥,周玉乾,何海军,邱法展*。一个新的玉米silky1基因等位突变体的遗传分析与分子鉴定。作物学报,2019, 45 (11): 1638-1644.
1. 发明专利:一种编码玉米 mTERF 蛋白的基因 ZmSmk3 及其克隆方法和应用(授权号:CN107475262B),2019(邱法展;任雪梅;潘振远;谭增栋;秦瑶)
2. 发明专利:控制玉米穗长QTL位点的分子标记引物及应用(授权号:CN109486994B),2021(邱法展;潘振远;张祖新;刘敏)
3. 发明专利:一种调控玉米叶表皮蜡质结构基因 ZmCASPL2B2 及其编码的蛋白质和应用(授权号:CN110467660B),2021(邱法展;潘振远;刘敏;谭增栋;肖姿仪)
1. 皇冠优秀本科论文指导教师,2023
2. 皇冠“三进两联一交友”民族团结先进个人,2021
3. 皇冠优秀博士毕业论文,2020
2022级 王润泽,硕士研究生(皇冠)
2023级 后斌,硕士研究生(皇冠)
2024级 修彦伟,硕士研究生(新疆农业大学)
2024级 朱月,硕士研究生(皇冠)
2024级 安木热古丽.吐地 硕士研究生(中国农业大学)
2024级 Huzaifa Naeem 硕士研究生(巴基斯坦)
2021级 任贺丽,2023年06月 硕士毕业
2021级 马春梅,2023年06月 硕士毕业