姓名:刘峰 性别:男
职称:教授 办公室:皇冠登陆入口welcome331 室
mail:liufeng0993@sina.com 电话:13309933126
学历学位:博士 硕/博士生导师:博士生导师
1. 棉花lncRNA2237调控棉籽发育过程中脂肪酸合成代谢的机制研究(32260144),国家自然科学基金,2023.1-2026.12,主持;
2. 棉花花药发育过程中亚油酸与α-亚麻酸的代谢及调控机制研究(31960369),国家自然科学基金,2019.1-2023.12,主持;
3. 棉花FAD2基因调控花药脂肪酸代谢与花粉外壁发育的机制研究(31660353),国家自然科学基金,2017.1-2020.12,主持;
4. 棉花重要农艺性状相关基因位点的定位和分子标记的开发(2016YFD0101901-4),国家重点研发项目子课题,2016.7-2020.12,主持;
5. 优质抗蚜机采陆地棉品种的选育与推广(2018BB001),兵团师域发展创新支持计划,2018.1-2022.12,第二主持。
YouZhong Li, XinYu Zhang, ZhongXu Lin, Qian-Hao Zhu, YanJun Li, Fei Xue, Shuaishuai Cheng, Hongjie Feng, Jie Sun*, Feng Liu*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of interspecific CSSLs reveals candidate genes and pathways involved in Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton. Industrial Crops and Products. 2023, 197:12
Feng Z, Cheng X, Wang T, Han Y, Chen H, Zhang X, Sun J, Zhang W*, Liu F*. Investigation of GhFAT Genes Related to Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Gossypium hirsutum L. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany. 2023, 92(5), 1633-1647
Mengjiao Jia, Shuaishuai Chen, Qianhao Zhu, Ruiting Zheng, Yanjun Li, Jie Sun*, Feng Liu*. Silencing of GhGRL28 in cotton increases sensitivity to salt stress. Plant Growth Regulation. 2023.
Li YZ, Chen HH, Wang YW, Zhu JC, Zhang XL, Sun J, Liu F*, Zhao YY*. Function Analysis of GhWRKY53 regulating cotton resistance to Verticillium Wilt by JA and SA signaling pathways. Frontiers in plant science. 2023, 14:1203695
Fan Yang, Yongchao Ha, Qian Hao Zhu, Xinyu Zhang, Fei Xue, Yanjun Li, Honghai Luo, Jianghong Qin, Jie Sun*, Feng Liu*. Impact of water deficiency on leaf cuticle lipids and gene expression networks in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). BMC Plant Biology.2022, 22:404
Lu Y, Cheng X, Jia M, Zhang X, Xue F, Li Y, Sun J, Liu F*. Silencing GhFAR3.1 reduces wax accumulation in cotton leaves and leads to increased susceptibility to drought stress. Plant Direct.2021,5(4):e00313
Lihong Ma; Xinqi Cheng; Chuan Wang; Xinyu Zhang; Fei Xue; Yanjun Li; Qianhao Zhu; Jie Sun*; Feng Liu*. Explore the gene network regulating the composition of fatty acids in cottonseed. BMC Plant Biology.2021, 21(4): 177
Cheng XQ, Zhang XY, Xue F, Li YJ, Zhu QH, Liu F*, Sun J*. Characterization and transcriptome analysis of a dominant genic male sterile cotton mutant. BMC Plant Biology.2020,20:312
Feng Liu, Lihong Ma, Youwu Wang, Yanjun Li, Xinyu Zhang, Fei Xue, Xinhui Nie, Qianhao Zhu, Jie Sun. GhFAD2-3 is required for anther development in Gossypium hirsutum. BMC Plant Biology. 2019, 19:393.
Feng Liu, YanPeng Zhao, Huaguo Zhu, QianHao Zhu, Jie Sun. Simultaneous silencing of GhFAD2-1 and GhFATB enhances the quality of cottonseed oil with high oleic acid. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2017, 215:132-139.
1. 种子检验学[M]. 西北农林科技大学出版社, 2017-10. 主编
2. 棉种低温萌发生理及调控[M]. 中国农业出版社,2021-10. 参编
用于鉴别新陆中系列棉花品种的多态性分子标记及其应用, ZL202010046584.1, 2022, 第五发明人
棉花花基斑性状相关SNP分子标记及其应用, ZL202011328263.7, 2022, 第八发明人
一种棉花脱叶剂, ZL202010827711.1, 2021,第二发明人
一种种子质量检测装置, ZL201921173880.7, 2020, 第一发明人
一种棉花授粉装置, ZL201920796110.1, 2020, 第一发明人
一种简便有效的棉花种子高效发芽装置, ZL201920796108.4, 2020, 第一发明人
一种棉花种子自动检测装置, ZL202021368521.X, 2020, 第三发明人
用RNAi有效防治农业害螨的方法, ZL201210501540.9, 2019,第二发明人
在转基因植株中表达HaAK基因dsRNA的RNAi载体及应用, ZL201410669211.4, 2018, 第一发明人
一种快速有效的提取发育早期棉籽中油脂的方法, ZL201510150527.7,2017, 第一发明人